Manage and Track Abnormal Conditions within the Community in a Single Portal

Condition Report Features:
  • Data entered can be automatically redirected to public works for follow-up
  • Public Portal access to reduce inbound calls
  • Real-time access from police vehicle
  • Officer can report a street light out directly to public works

Add A New Condition Report Entry

To create a new Condition Report, simply click the “Add New” button from the Dashboard page. This will open a dialog window for you to create a new entry. Once you submit the record, an email will be sent to the proper parties (determined in the management section), and no other communication is needed for this condition report to be processed.


Quick Access to Images

Easily reference any images loaded to the condition report record direct from the dashboard


Condition Report Dashboard

The Condition Report Dashboard is an overview listing of all the community condition calls re-ceived by the department. The report lists the Create Date, Type of Condition, Description of Condition and Location all in one easy to view window.

The default setting lists the report by date, but also could be searched by Type, Location or Keyword.

This is a great place to store all the reports with the ability to provide access to the information from anywhere.

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