Document Significant Events and Push out Alerts to the Chief, Supervisors and Village Officials

Mobile Roll Call Features:
  • Supervisor Logs: Real-Time Email Notifications Upon Submit
  • Notify Supervisors/Directors of activity in a Daily Summary
  • Beat Logs: Information Sharing by Beat/Zone/Area
  • Document Library: Store Relevant Documents per Beat/Zone/Area. Easily view and Email Documents with One-Click

Supervisor Log - Message Screen

Log into Mobile Roll Call and see what significant events have been entered in by your supervi-sors. You have the ability right from this screen to run a keyword search or search by incident type and time frame to get instant results for whatever you are looking for.


Supervisor Log - Create Entry

An easy-to-use entry screen allows supervisors to enter incident information. Gives them the ability to write a narrative containing the information they want to pass along. Notifications can be made immediately or just be included in the daily report.


Supervisor Log - Add Comments

Supervisors have the ability to go back to the original entry and add comments about the event. These comments can be sent out again immediately or they can just be saved and stored in the database.


Supervisor Log - Email Alerts

Real-Time Alerts:

Real-Time alerts are sent when a Supervisor Log entry has been created. The email will be de-livered to the users you have flagged to receive "real-time" alerts.

The email is automatically sent to the distribution list with no extra effort.

Daily Summary:

Add a note in the Daily Summary stating what it is - List of all the entries that were made for the day prior and goes out at whatever time you choose to everyone on the email chain.


Supervisor Log - Reports (RMS)

Our RMS page makes it easy to run reports on these significant events that have been logged into the Supervisor Log.

A great way to report by:

  • Incident Type
  • Date Range
  • Supervisor entry

Always be prepared to provide data to the Supervisors, Chief or Village Officials.


Supervisor Log - Manage Users

Your list of users comes from your Community Policing roster. You have the ability to manage each individual with three options:

  • Supervisor
  • Full Access
  • Read Only
  • No Access
  • Master Edit

Feel free to make changes at any time to these users.


Team Policing - Message Screen

A great way to share information between officers on a specific beat. The information posted here allows your officers to maintain communication on specific events that may otherwise go without communication.

You also have the ability to add comments to an original entry. An officer may obtain additional information about an incident or person and can add comments that appears in green below the original blue message.


Team Policing - Manage Beats

Enter your Areas/Beats into the system and you are ready to start creating entries specific to that beat. You can also add specialty units.

Once you load the list of Beats, they will be visible in the left navigation. This is great for creat-ing messages specific to an area, and sharing details with fellow officers during shift changes, etc.


Team Policing - Document Library

PDFs that provide further information about a beat can be uploaded to the Document Library. This could include maps of businesses, reports, or contact cards. Anything that will give your officers have a better understanding of things happening in that area.

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